Consulting editor(s): Matthias Nordmann, Ulrich Reber and Marcel Willems, on behalf of the International Bar Association
Publication date: Oct 2014
Format: Hardback
Pages: 328
Price: £128.00
ISBN: 9781909416253
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A useful book for those engaged in insolvency practice and providing a sound basis for those considering the major issues involved in intellectual property transactions.
Clearly written and practical analysis valuable for practitioners when confronted with a case in which a licence is a part of a foreign insolvency case.
The number of insolvencies is increasing by the day, while insolvencies are becoming more and more complex and international. Licences represent an increasingly important part of a company’s assets - be they technology licences, name or trademark licences or licences with regard to text, photo or audiovisual material or software. While insolvency proceedings of licensors or licensees can pose material threats to the prospects of the business concerned, there are still many uncertainties as to the fate of a licence, applicable law, place of jurisdiction in such proceedings and so on.
This practical handbook provides an overview of the most relevant legal issues in over 25 of the most important business nations around the globe. It provides guidance to licensors, licensees, insolvency practitioners and their attorneys to promote a better understanding of the insolvency mechanisms in these countries and the effect that such proceedings may have upon licence agreements with an insolvent entity.
Whether you are an IP lawyer in private practice, an insolvency practitioner or general counsel in an international business, this commercially focused guide will provide you with practical insight into the relevant legal issues.