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Climate Change:
A Guide to Carbon Law and Practice
This book explains how climate change law has evolved, how the carbon markets operate and how climate change issues impact other areas of practice.
Pension Scheme Deficits:
Practical Solutions
Aimed at a broad cross-section of the pensions market, this book will be of great practical use to all who have to deal with a pension fund deficit. Trustees, corporate officers and stakeholders, from chief financial officers and finance directors to pension managers, and the entire range of advisers – accounting, actuarial and legal – will find the book of interest and practical use.
Mergers and Acquisitions:
A Practical Global Guide
This practical title features 27 chapters by leading experts on the various factors to consider when acquiring a company in their jurisdictions, including the pitfalls to avoid and proposed solutions.
World Trade Law in Practice
In the context of growing international trade flows and frequent media references to topical trade-related issues, this practical handbook explains how international trade law actually works in practice and how practising lawyers can use trade law to advance the cases of their clients.
Real Estate Investment Trusts:
A Global Analysis
This major work provides an invaluable guide for anyone dealing with cross-border real estate investment to the local application of REITs in all major REIT jurisdictions and how they differ from other property funds.