Author(s): Nick Milton, Karen Battersby, Liz Hobbs, Dr Peter Brown, Dominique Poole Avery, Karen Elson, Darryl Wing, Patrick DiDomenico, Dave Snowden
Publication date: Mar 2019
Format: Softback
Pages: 138
Price: £99.00
ISBN: 9781783583645
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In November 2018, the International Standards Organization (ISO) published its new standard on knowledge management - ISO 30401.
This is the first standard on knowledge management (KM) ever to be introduced and is global and industry agnostic. The standard came about due to an increasing recognition of the need for, and importance of, Knowledge Management, as well as a certain amount of ambiguity in the understanding of what KM is.
The standard begins by defining eight key principles of knowledge management, which taken together form the basis of best practice in the discipline, before going into prescriptive text about how organizations should carry out KM in practice.
The standard acts as a good guide for an organization of any size, in any sector, located anywhere in the world, to benchmark its KM practices. It also acts as a useful toolkit for organizations that are just beginning their KM journey and need advice on how. This collection of case studies features organizations from many different sectors across the globe that are demonstrating best practice KM. Each case study deals with a different theme expanded upon in the standard, showing how KM is evolving, allowing readers to understand what is required by the new global standard in more practical terms.
The published standard is prescriptive and gives rules and guidelines - this book adds color to the clauses by showing practical examples of the principles of the standard in action.