Consulting editor(s): Dr Eduardo G Pereira and Professor Kim Talus
Publication date: Mar 2015
Format: Hardback
Pages: 608
Price: £185.00
ISBN: 9781909416260
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This is a major work providing a country-by-country analysis of African oil and gas.
The book details the oil and gas frameworks and the key concerns in the most significant jurisdictions including traditional producing countries such as Libya, Algeria, Angola and Egypt, and more recent areas with significant potential such as Sudan. Topics addressed include the key terms of the petroleum laws, the types of legal arrangement in place (eg, concession agreement, production sharing contract or service agreement), the fiscal terms, the acquisition of acreage, governing law, dispute resolution mechanisms and governmental control.
Covering 26 countries in total, this book features contributions from a variety of leading experts in the industry, including from ministries of petroleum, national oil companies, international oil companies, law firms and consultancies.
This unique work provides a wider understanding of oil and gas law, contracts and regulations within the African continent.