Author(s): John Alber, Fred H Bartlit, Nancey L Watson, Mark Medice, John Sterling, Chris Austin, David Urbanik, Stuart Wilson, Charlotte Ogilvie
Publication date: Aug 2019
Format: Softback
Pages: 122
Price: £175.00
ISBN: 9781783583782
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Mid-sized law firms in today’s legal marketplace are often given three choices: merge, grow, or die. That’s accepted wisdom.
Mid-sized firms may try to compete for profitable corporate litigation, deals and other bread-and-butter work, but everyone knows they (1) don’t have the IT and other systems heft to innovate with the big players (2) don’t have the scale to market and compete for global business and (3) can’t attract the talent they need to go head-to-head with Big Law on major work.
But what if that’s wrong? What if mid-sized firms are in an ideal position to fix what’s wrong with law practice today? Competitive Strategies for Mid-Sized Law Firms - a collection of essays by and about mid-sized firms - offers a new perspective.