Consulting editor(s): Angus Evers, King & Wood Mallesons and Adam Read, Ricardo AEA
Publication date: Apr 2015
Format: Hardback
Pages: 237
Price: £138.00
ISBN: 9781909416376
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Generating energy from waste is an attractive solution, as governments around the world grapple with the challenges of providing energy security, mitigating carbon emissions and disposing of increasing waste volume. It offers the possibility of recovering energy from resources that would otherwise be landfilled and contributing to renewable energy generation capacity. A number of different technologies are available, but developing waste-to-energy projects can be complex and can sometimes meet with public opposition. Successful delivery of a waste-to-energy project requires careful structuring and a good understanding of how both the power generation sector and the waste management industry operate and are regulated.
Understand this increasingly important and diverse sector with this authoritative title, which features contributions from operators of energy-from-waste plants, engineering firms that have built energy-from-waste plants, consultancies and law firms. Chapters are written by practitioners with many years of experience of working on energy-from-waste projects. The book covers the policy framework within which the sector operates in the United Kingdom, the main technologies currently available, the main issues that need to be addressed when developing a project (eg, structuring, site selection and planning), construction issues and issues for funders and investors, as well as key commercial issues such as securing feedstocks and exit routes for outputs. The focus is on the practical elements of energy-from-waste projects, to help you advise your clients on their actual concerns.
The book provides a thorough insight into the practicalities and complexities of developing and operating an energy-from-waste project and forms a useful source of reference for anyone involved in the sector, including lawyers, financiers, developers, engineers, consultants and accountants.