Consulting editor(s): Dominic Griffiths, Mayer Brown International LLP
Publication date: Mar 2024
Format: Hardback
Pages: 373
Price: £275.00
ISBN: 9781787429581
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Precipitated by the credit crunch, the last fifteen years have seen securitisation transition from a product that was largely the purview of bankers and other structured finance professionals to a term that has entered the public lexicon. Yet despite its increased prominence, few are confident in their understanding of the complex processes involving many parties seeking to achieve a variety of outcomes.
While many overarching principles of securitisation transactions such as asset classes, regulatory capital requirements and off-balance sheet accounting can be geographically agnostic, each transaction is subject to varying local rules and regulations specific to the jurisdiction(s) in which it is taking place. As such, navigating the many legal, regulatory and accounting requirements necessitates a wide range of expertise, with specialists in one field still required to have a broad understanding of others.
Edited by Dominic Griffiths, London Managing Partner at Mayer Brown International LLP and a structured finance practitioner for 25 years, European Securitisation offers a comprehensive overview of the key structural and geographical aspects of securitisation transactions across Europe.
This book provides an essential guide for any legal or non-legal securitisation practitioner, at any level of experience, and includes:
• an overview of securitisation in Europe;
• key asset classes used in securitisation transactions;
• non-legal aspects such as accounting, regulation and hedging; and
• local law regimes across selected European jurisdictions.