Consulting editor(s): Barbara R Hauser & Nicola Saccardo
Publication date: Sep 2023
Format: Hardback
Pages: 487
Price: £245.00
ISBN: 9781787429642
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Prepared in association with STEP, the world’s leading organisation for private wealth professionals, this practical guide steers readers through the family office model, from its inception to the final stage in its ‘life cycle’. Written by leading experts in the field, this third edition has been fully updated and looks at a broad range of key topics including:
• establishing a family office and choosing the right jurisdiction;
• the tax structuring of a family office;
• the pros and cons of a ‘virtual’ office;
• governance, crisis planning and long-term resilience;
• hiring leaders for the family office;
• philanthropy and the global culture of giving; and
• wealth stewardship.
New chapters cover family office relevancy, the importance of the family owner’s manual, reputation in the digital age, diversity and inclusion in estate planning, and building and caring for family art collections. In addition, the book explores the increasing number of important jurisdictions and features chapters on Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Greater China, the Gulf states, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Whether you are a professional practising in the family office sphere, a family officer, a family member or a new entrant to this diverse and challenging arena, this comprehensive publication provides essential insight into all aspects of the family office world.