Author(s): Michael Roster, Patrick J Lamb, Matthew Kellett, Scott Mozarsky, Chris Howe, Robert Millard, Jason Moyse, Rachel Khiara, Rachel Brushfield, Jae Um, Tony Young

Publication date: Dec 2018

Format: Softback

Pages: 126

Price: £159.00

ISBN: 9781783583584

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Much has been written about the pace of change facing the legal industry - how certain law firm functions are being replaced by artificial intelligence and new types of service providers, how accounting firms are looking to absorb and replace law firms, and how merging into worldwide mega firms of 3,000 to 10,000 lawyers is the only way to survive. Steve Jobs and others have called this evolution “creative destruction”. Richard Susskind referred to it years ago as “the end of lawyers”.

It is true that the legal market is facing massive change. Technology, new ways of working, alternative methods of billing, and highly disruptive new entrants have all made their mark on the traditional legal business model. The Future of Law Firm Business Models takes a look at all these trends and more, horizon-scanning for future developments, and the ways in which these issues will fundamentally change the market.