Consulting editor(s): Eugenio A Bruno, Nicholson y Cano
Publication date: Sep 2009
Format: Hardback
Pages: 509
Price: £148.00
ISBN: 9781905783328
In sum, the thematic approach taken in this text enables detailed discussion of practical issues in these areas from the individual experience of the authors, drawn from the ranks of eminent academics and practitioners.
Many of the chapters are written with great clarity and provide exactly what an international practitioner will see as useful and informative.
"Legal practitioners and law students trying to collate key information from the wealth of official comment and news stories around the financial crisis will both find much in this book to be of use to them".
Global Financial Crisis: Navigating and Understanding the Legal and Regulatory Aspects is a major work addressing many of the legal issues related to the crisis that has rocked the international financial system and affected the whole range of financial participants, transactions and instruments.
Written by leading practitioners and renowned academics, this title provides an in-depth analysis of aspects of the intersection between the financial crisis and the law and practice of selected key jurisdictions, including Argentina, Bermuda, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Germany, Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom and United States.
In particular, the book examines:
- the main cases of financial restructuring arising from the crisis, including Lehman Brothers, AIG and the situation in Iceland;
- the banking laws and regulations enacted to deal with the financial system and bank rescues;
- the law and practice of the brokerage business in the context of the crisis;
- the legal challenges affecting offshore investment funds;
- the legal aspects of corporate and sovereign default and restructurings; and
- litigation arising from the crisis involving governments, bank shareholders, officers and managers, depositors and creditors, investment fund managers and investors, corporations, sovereigns and their bondholders.
This authoritative title provides legal practitioners, academics, financial agents, financial institution officers, investment analysts and managers, investors and officials of regulatory agencies with the information they need to navigate their way through the challenges arising from one of the most significant financial crises in recent history.