Author(s): Patrick J McKenna, David Kerr, Jon Whittle, Jason P. Williams, Wayne Hassay, Nathan Cemenska, Merry Neitlich, Jerry Rosenthal, Lucy Endel Bassli, David Galbenski, Mary E. Juetten, Paul Williams
Publication date: May 2020
Format: Hardback
Pages: 136
Price: £199.00
ISBN: 9781783583959
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If we could know in 2020 what we will know in 2025 (only five foreseeable years into the future), how would we change our attitudes, actions, and the way in which we practice law, the services we offer, the clients we target, and the ways in which we choose to deliver our services? Indeed - if we could have known a year ago the events of the first three months in 2020, what might we have done to prepare? The American writer and humorist, Mark Twain, advised: “When everybody is out digging for gold, the business to be in is selling shovels!” So, what foreseeable trend may represent the figurative “shovel” that every client will need tomorrow?