Chapter 1: Seeing the future first – analyzing strategic trends, By Patrick J. McKenna, author, lecturer, strategist, and advisor to the leaders of premier law firms
Chapter 2: The customer is always right – how client expectations will shape the delivery of legal services, By David Kerr, director, Moore Legal Technology
Chapter 3: What customer-focused really means for law firms, By Jon Whittle, Jon Whittle Consulting Ltd
Chapter 4: Considering the end-client, By Jason P. Williams, global head of client service management, HSBC
Chapter 5: Lawyers must win the technology race, By Wayne Hassay, managing partner, Maguire Schneider Hassay, LLP
Chapter 6: The future of spend management – using AI to improve the ROI of vendor relationships, By Nathan Cemenska, Wolters Kluwer
Chapter 7: The silver bullet fallacy of technology, By Merry Neitlich, managing partner of EM Consulting, and Jerry Rosenthal, business process improvement leader, author, and speaker
Chapter 8: Relationship management redefined with data, By Lucy Bassli, founder and principal, InnoLegal Services
Chapter 9: The value conversation – people and processes before technology, By David Galbenski, Lumen Legal
Chapter 10: Future growth is in focusing on industry expertise, By Patrick J. McKenna, author, lecturer, strategist, and advisor to the leaders of premier law firms
Chapter 11: 360 degrees of law, By Mary Juetten, founder and CEO, Traklight
Chapter 12: The impact of COVID -19 on future legal operations and the legal marketplace, By Richard Brzakala
Chapter 13: Litigation management in an uncertain world, By Paul Williams, partner and general liability practice co-chair, Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP