Consulting editor(s): Paul Jordan and Andrew Butcher, Bristows LLP
Publication date: Mar 2021
Format: Hardback
Pages: 640
Price: £165.00
ISBN: 9781787423909
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Virtually every business is involved in advertising and marketing in one form or another. However, advertising is subject to a complex and often daunting web of law and regulation. Although in many cases there have been attempts to harmonise relevant laws, there are still significant national variations. Furthermore, in recent years digital marketing and targeting methods have changed the face of the advertising industry beyond recognition.
Updated for 2021, International Advertising Law addresses the relevant law and regulations, as well as setting out practical considerations. This second edition covers key areas of advertising law such as local complaints procedures and enforcement, comparative advertising, influencer campaigns, sales promotions, ambush marketing, product placement, direct marketing and online behavioural advertising. It also examines the particular requirements in certain industries that are subject to specific advertising regulations (eg, gambling, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, financial products/services, food and tobacco/e-cigarettes).
Edited by Paul Jordan, partner and head of advertising, and Andrew Butcher, senior associate, at UK law firm Bristows LLP, this edition includes chapters from leading experts in 27 jurisdictions. It is essential reading for lawyers, in-house counsel, advertising executives and anyone else involved in the advertising/marketing industry and serves as an invaluable and straightforward guide to navigating these complex legal and regulatory regimes.
New to this edition:
- Coverage across all jurisdictions included of native advertising and social media influencers, and industry-specific regulation in relation to gambling, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, financial products and services, tobacco and e-cigarettes
- Consideration of the impact and requirements of GDPR with regard to direct marketing and online behavioural advertising, including the use of cookies and the difficulties in relying on consent
- Explanation of the latest trends and developments in the jurisdictions covered, serving as a useful reference guide and simplifying international advertising campaigns: including for example the Digital Platforms Inquiry in Australia; the amendment to the Austrian Broadcasting Act relating to product placement; the Digital Chart Regulation in Italy; and the most recent proposals in Ireland in relation to online political advertising
- Expanded geographic coverage with a new chapter on Finland