Consulting editor(s): Ben Allgrove - Baker McKenzie
Publication date: Feb 2022
Format: Hardback
Pages: 727
Price: £195.00
ISBN: 9781787424944
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From its origins protecting the rights of authors and producers on a national level, copyright has expanded to become a semi-harmonised body of law with international reach. With the advance of technology, that reach is directly influencing how many types of business operate and use and protect rights around the world. It is also a high-priority topic on legislative agendas for policy makers.
The second edition of International Copyright Law features up-to-date contributions from experts in over 30 jurisdictions worldwide, setting out the legal framework of their copyright laws and how to protect and exploit rights in creative and entrepreneurial works. It covers the types of work that can be protected, formalities for and duration of protection, rules relating to the ownership of copyright works, defences and infringement.
This edition also contains new chapters on:
- A comparative look at the trends we see in permitted uses under EU, UK and US copyright law;
- A particular focus on the emerging set of exceptions we see for text and data mining; and
- An analysis of the state of harmonisation of copyright across the European Union.
International Copyright Law, Second Edition will assist individuals in multinational companies and lawyers in private practice who deal with copyright works such as publications, music and films in knowing their rights under copyright law in all the main commercial markets in the world.