Author(s): Patrick J. McKenna, Arthur G. Greene, Dr Bob Murray, Andrew Hedley, Neryl East, Duncan Hart, Dr Alicia Fortinberry, David J. Parnell, Carol Mynott, Nick Marson
Publication date: Sep 2017
Format: Softback
Pages: 122
Price: £159.00
ISBN: 9781783583003
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Successfully managing a change initiative is no simple feat, regardless of the size of the firm - distilling the process of change into a workforce takes careful planning and support. Change is stressful and difficult for people to process and accept, as we often cling to what we know. This is especially true of lawyers, who are notoriously averse to change.
However, the legal sector has begun to rapidly transform - and the firms that don’t change with it are going to struggle to stay relevant. In these turbulent times for firms, change initiatives must be properly managed to ensure the whole firm can successfully shift to the new norm and stick to it. Without the proper support and management, a firm runs the risks of alienating their workforce - who will not take well to sudden and imposed change.
Managing Legal Change Initiatives looks to illustrate the best methods of introducing and managing change in a sector that is known for being adverse to it. The book highlights the critical obstacles and pitfalls that law firms will face during transitional periods, and outlines some of the best methods of approaching organizational change; from building a change framework to follow, to encouraging a shift in partner behavior through the compensation strategy. This book also explores why change is so difficult for individuals - with discussion of the neuroscience behind change, and the role of emotional intelligence in leaders to help garner a transformation.
With the disruptions to legal services predicted to continue for some time, it will be those firms who adapt, put into place, and act upon a change management strategy that will be the ones capitalize on changes to come.