Consulting editor(s): Ignaz Fuesgen
Publication date: Mar 2021
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
Price: £95.00
ISBN: 9781787424180
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LPM helps the modern lawyer become equipped for the changing world of legal practice. This book offers a wealth of practical guidance and inspiration.
As a professor of law and trainer in legal project management (LPM), I can affirm there is no text dealing with LPM on par with Next Stage Legal Project Management: Future-proof Your Matter Management. It is the required text in my law school courses at Vanderbilt Law School and provided to each person I train in the skills and techniques of this vital legal service. In over ten years of working to deploy LPM in law firms, legal departments and law schools, the time for LPM has come and this book will show how it will be done to benefit clients and the lawyers who serve them.
The book reflects the immense progress of LPM in recent years, with a clear structure and a focus on both ageless topics of methodology and implementation as well as important issues of the day – new professional skills, communication, digitization. The consulting editor and the publishing house have succeeded in creating a consistent piece of art, a milestone in the development of legal project management.
The importance of project management in legal organizations can't be overstated. When it's done right, it helps every part of the business run more smoothly and efficiently. This is a fantastic resource that will help you and your team to focus on the work that matters.
Next Stage Legal Project Management (LPM) is a very detailed and thought-out book on LPM. It is a great read for anyone who is not just in the business of LPM but is associated with the legal industry in any way. As someone who has always loved the business of law, this book has everything and more that I have learnt over the years and as a process nerd, I love the detail around Agile and Waterfall methods and legal design.
Corporate legal teams and law firms have made significant investments in their legal project management programmes over the past few years. It is time to take stock and, more importantly, envision future interventions. What are the decisive strategies and actions to expedite the value creation of those programmes?
In this book, an international group of 26 experts comprising private practitioners, in-house counsel, technologists, legal operations managers and legal management consultants offer unique perspectives and insights to help you take your legal project management programmes to the next stage. Topics covered include:
- Methodology;
- People management;
- Communication and interaction;
- Data and performance; and
- Implementation of legal project management programmes.
Written by practitioners for practitioners, this title will benefit General Counsel, legal COOs, managing partners, practice leaders and other executives running legal services delivery teams who have initiated legal project management programmes and seek new ideas and inspiration for more value creation. Practical and illustrative examples, case studies and many shared experiences direct the reader towards the next level of proficiency in legal project management – future-proofing your matter management.
Key takeaways:
- A variety of ready to implement suggestions and ideas about how to provide LPM services in 'best of breed' fashion, in order to add value to organisations, reduce costs and improve efficiency
- Learn the most crucial skills in LPM, including the key psychology based principles that enable strong leadership, and which organisational structures and mentality help them to flourish
- Improve operational efficiency through a systematic approach for categorising and managing matter and task level data; turning existing legal processes into effective digital workflows; and the the process mapping and elimination of wastes and frustrations in your practice
- Empower legal professionals to be organised, quick, accurate and effective through the introduction of AI technologies into LPM systems
- Narrow down the search for LPM tech tools that match your need through a review of the existing tools used by LPM professionals
- Use Kano’s model to categorise and prioritise client feedback in order to provide improvements that will deliver the greatest value to you and your clients
- Learn how LPM and BD can engage in an inter-departmental partnership to advance firm objectives, drive revenue and enhance client service delivery and profitability
- Insights on the important contributions Legal Design makes to a traditional LPM approach