Consulting editor(s): Chris Hale, Travers Smith LLP
Publication date: Aug 2024
Format: Hardback
Pages: 573
Price: £295.00
ISBN: 9781787429734
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The fifth edition of Private Equity: A Transactional Analysis dazzles…A compelling, informative, and thoroughly modern analysis that anyone involved in this dynamic field will find both insightful and indispensable.
Private equity: A Transactional Analysis' is unquestionably the definitive resource on the topic for lawyers, not just in the UK but across Europe and North America too. Lucid, comprehensive and cutting-edge, its insights are equally valuable for global law firms and university classrooms. Always evolving in step with its dynamic subject matter, the latest edition of this book provides a comprehensive analysis of private equity that is, at the same time, both broad-reaching in its coverage and granular in its analysis. It should be a fixture on every commercial lawyer's bookshelf and the first port of call for novices and seasoned experts alike.
This practical fifth edition introduces the world of private equity not just from a UK perspective, but also that of key European jurisdictions and the United States. It explains its rise and recent dynamics, and explores the key ingredients of private equity transactions and the technical issues associated with them. Featuring chapters by leading practitioners, the content includes high-level analysis of private equity fund structures, equity and debt finance, acquisition documentation, due diligence, tax structuring, the leveraged buyout market and public-to-privates.
New coverage in this edition includes:
- analysis of the fastest growing part of the private equity market – secondary transactions – examining both those led by the investors in private equity funds and those led by those who manage the funds;
- discussion of NAV facilities, the way they are structured and their uses;
- a chapter on how ESG issues are affecting and being dealt with by private equity fund managers, including an examination of new and prospective regulation in this area;
- insight on latest market trends;
- examination of the tax risk environment, and newer tax rules;
- consideration of the regulatory changes required in the governance of large private companies and transparency; and
- consideration of the new UK framework on restructurings.
Private Equity is essential reading for legal and other practitioners working or advising in this field, as well as for senior private equity executives, investment houses and investors. Academics in corporate law and business schools, as well as their students, will also find this edition to be of great value.