Author(s): Barbara J Boake, Rick A Kathuria

Publication date: Apr 2011

Format: Softback

Pages: 115

Price: £159.00

ISBN: 9781907787614

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In a highly competitive fee-focused environment, project management can be your law firm’s lifeline.

Managing Partner’s Project Management for Lawyers report provides a structured approach to planning, pricing and managing legal work that will boost profitability and deliver superior value to your clients. It aims to:

  • Demonstrate the value of applying project management to a legal practice;
  • Explain basic project management principles and how to apply them within your law firm;
  • Provide a simple legal project management framework;
  • Describe key tools and techniques to support the framework;
  • Discuss legal project management as a pricing and business development strategy;
  • Show how lawyers can manage matter profitability and demonstrate value to clients;
  • Guide lawyers in overcoming the challenges in managing a matter profitably (time, scope and cost); and,
  • Share practical advice on how to develop and implement a legal project management programme within your firm.

Real-life in-depth case studies provide valuable insight into the successful legal project management programmes of Dechert LLP, Eversheds LLP, Seyfarth Shaw LLP and McCarthy Tétrault.

A case study from the Royal Bank of Canada is also included to provide the a client's perspective on the value of legal project management.

Project Management for Lawyers also comes with a complimentary CDRom packed with useful forms, templates, checklists and frameworks that can be used immediately in planning and executing your own project management programme. These include:

  • A generic work plan;
  • A sample staffing profile;
  • A sample agenda for a project kick-off meeting;
  • A sample roles and responsibilities sheet;
  • A client satisfaction review questionnaire;
  • A project risk log;
  • A sample change request form;
  • A sample monitoring worksheet;
  • An example of an agenda for a lessons learned session;
  • An example of how to calculate leverage on matter profitability;
  • A completed monitoring worksheet; and
  • A work plan for an asset purchase.