Consulting editor(s): Paul Davies, Latham & Watkins
Publication date: Jul 2024
Format: Hardback
Pages: 287
Price: £149.00
ISBN: 9781787429765
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A thought-provoking book on environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations.
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are increasingly considered as core business priorities for companies, boards and investors, with ESG representing an area of significant opportunity for many. Navigating the broad range of topics that fall under ESG, including regulatory developments, political impacts and stakeholder sentiment, requires multidisciplinary and global expertise from experienced practitioners.
Featuring cross-jurisdictional insight, this important title covers a range of ESG topics in depth, containing contributions from leading legal professionals, industry experts and consultants. The book firstly discusses ‘what is ESG?’ before covering areas including supply chain topics, financial regulatory impacts, ESG disclosure obligations, M&A and private equity, among many other important subjects. Further, the book contains regional specific insights from practitioners on the ground and includes analysis on the diverse themes which underpin the current and future direction of ESG. Specific chapters are also dedicated to the emerging matters of ESG litigation, the evolving nature of technology in ESG, and the incorporation of ESG into enterprise risk management. The final part of the book looks at broader trends and developments in the area.
Despite the large volume of information already available, this is one of the first publications to draw together the various strands of ESG into one book and provides a valuable source of information in this fast-evolving area. It will make important reading for all legal and other advisers and professionals with an interest in furthering their ESG knowledge.
Congratulations to Consulting Editor, Paul Davies from Latham & Watkins, for the Legal 500 Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his long-term contribution to ESG!