Author(s): Simon Drane, Jennifer Roberts, Robert Millard, Katherine Thomas, Clare Harman Clark, Janvi Patel, Arthur G Greene, Zev J. Eigen, Christie Guimond, Langdon Morris, Patrick J McKenna, Michael Roster, Ailish Hogan, Patrick J Lamb, Phyllis Weiss Haserot, Lucinda Troostwyk, Bailey Bosch
Publication date: Sep 2019
Format: Softback
Pages: 174
Price: £80.00
ISBN: 9781783583805
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The Lawyer’s Guide to the Future of Practice Management provides law firm leaders with expert opinion on the very latest guidance and market knowledge on what today’s legal marketplace might look like tomorrow, organized into four crucial areas of practice management - technology, people and culture, finance and strategy - before taking a horizon-scan of the future, and what law firms need to be aware of in the coming months and years.