Consulting editor(s): Dr Eduardo G Pereira and Professor Kim Talus
Publication date: Nov 2017
Format: Hardback
Pages: 820 (two volumes)
Price: £325.00
ISBN: 9781911078241
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Review for first edition: As a practitioner, what I like most is the ability to access the key issues that my clients like to know about in considering investment in a particular country.
The golden age of abundant, easy-to-access oil is over and, as a result, international oil and gas companies must search for new and more complex oil and gas provinces. Moreover, independent companies are adopting an even broader approach as they analyse unconventional plays. The 21st-century oil and gas industry increasingly demands a global approach as companies - both major and small - compete on the international stage.
This fully updated second edition of our practical handbook, now in two volumes, takes an in-depth look at the most relevant petroleum provinces, summarising upstream regulation and key concerns in over 30 important and emerging oil and gas jurisdictions. Issues featured include the key terms of petroleum law, the types of legal arrangement in place, the fiscal terms, how to qualify to acquire acreage, governing law, dispute resolution mechanisms, decommissioning and governmental control. As a result, the book provides a comprehensive global resource for upstream investments. New areas of coverage for this edition include Algeria, Ecuador, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco and Oman.
Many entities are keen to analyse and assess opportunities all over the world and so this book will appeal to a range of participants, including international oil companies, independents, national oil and gas companies, legal advisers and consultants, who need to understand the general requirements of oil and gas provinces and the respective best practices across the globe.