Author(s): Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Markus W. Gehring and Jarrod Hepburn - Centre for International Sustainable Development Law - Montreal
Publication date: Jan 2007
Format: Hardback
Pages: 295
Price: £112.00
ISBN: 9780954870683
"Overall the reviewer found the publication to be both useful and informative. It is written with great clarity, often explaining complex political/legal issues in a succinct yet 'user friendly' manner, and would doubtless be of value to the individual involved/intending to become involved
"This book is a valuable tool for practitioners in understanding and applying the rules of world trade law, which is becoming an increasingly complex and essential body of law in a globalized world of law and economics".
"The book on hand deserves a special mention as it enables not only a comprehensive introduction to world trade laws but also allows selective reading of the specific trade laws as each of the chapters is concise and self sufficient in content."
"Particularly helpful are short hypothetical problems and solutions in the chapters on the substantive law."
In the context of growing international trade flows and frequent references in the national and international press to topical trade-related issues, this practical handbook explains how international trade law actually works in practice and how practising lawyers can use trade law to advance the cases of their clients.
World Trade Law in Practice presents international trade law in a clear, step-by-step manner, with short sections at the end of each chapter on how to find further information and explanations of key concepts and procedures. It describes the legal forums available to a country or firm with a case and how an adviser might be called upon by a firm, association or nation to use the relevant trade law. Using practical case studies, the book reviews the substantive rules covering tariffs, subsidies, dumping, services and intellectual property rights. A concluding section explains complex issues related to sustainable development and other emerging topics in a simple, clear manner.
This highly accessible title, prepared by the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, will appeal to partners and associates in law firms dealing with international economic law, corporate counsel in international and national firms and institutions, and law, economics and business management students.