ESG in Mining and Minerals

Consulting editor(s): Ted Rhodes, CMS

Edited by Ted Rhodes, head of the Mining and Minerals group at international law firm CMS, ESG in Mining and Minerals provides a wide-ranging analysis of the ESG risks, challenges and opportunities facing mining companies and the wider minerals supply chain.

This book will be an invaluable guide for directors and management in mining and minerals companies, investors and financiers, as well as sustainability professionals, in-house and external counsel and anyone else who is concerned with the ESG impacts of extractive industries.

Publication date: Jan 2025
ISBN: 9781837230402
Length: 271 pages
Price: £175.00

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What Clients Want from Law Firms

Author(s): Ian White, Adrienne Gubbay, Terezka Zabka, Claire Rason, Joanna Day, Dr Heidi K Gardner, Paul Roberts, Helen Hamilton-Shaw, Thomas Santram, Robert Dilworth, Jenifer Swallow, Csilla Ilkei, Natasha Norton

Consulting editor(s): Alex Davies

Research shows that most lawyers think they know what their clients want – but their clients don’t always agree. How can lawyers and their firms truly understand the client perspective? How can they know what their clients are really asking for? What do lawyers need to know in order to get – and stay – hired?

What Clients Want from Law Firms combines the collective perspectives of clients in order to focus the lawyer’s mind on their end goal – providing a service that people want and will pay for. Exploring dynamic new approaches to the client–lawyer relationship, the contributors take on topics as broad as business skills, diversity, panel management, ESG and AI, revealing what clients really want from law firms.

Written from the perspective of those who engage law firms in their business – and from sectors as diverse as banking, sport, and entertainment – this book explores the importance of client relationships, listening and understanding problems, and what clients really want from their trusted advisors. 

Publication date: Jan 2025
ISBN: 9781837230617
Length: 199 pages
Price: £159.00

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The Rising Role of Women in Family Offices and Family Businesses

Consulting editor(s): Sasha Lund

The Rising Role of Women in Family Offices and Family Businesses is a perceptive and timely Special Report that explores the growing role of women in leadership positions within family offices and family-owned businesses. It highlights the historical context, current trends and key factors driving this shift, providing valuable insights into how women are shaping the future of these organisations. 

Publication date: Jan 2025
ISBN: 9781837230648
Length: 155 pages
Price: £125.00

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International Arbitration of Renewable Energy Disputes, Second Edition

Author(s): Emma Johnson, Lucy McKenzie, Matthew Saunders

This Special Report is relevant to those interested in learning about the scope for disputes in the renewables sector, how they can be avoided, and how arbitration can best be deployed to prevent delay, resolve disputes which might otherwise jeopardise project completion and operation and help push the energy transition forward.

Publication date: Dec 2024
ISBN: 9781837230525
Length: 115 pages
Price: £125.00

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Essential Reads for the Modern Lawyer

Author(s): Alison Nolan, Peter Alfandary, Christopher Bockmann, Edward Walker, Sophie Cameron, Eimear McCann, Bendita Cynthia Malakia, Morgan Reams, Dr Heidi K Gardner, Claire-Elaine Arthurs, Janet Taylor-Hall, Lucie Allen, Jonathan Bourne, Andrea Kennedy, David Freeman, Joanna Gaudoin, Michelle Elstein, Brian Dunlop, Jaap Bosman, Richard Brzakala, Nathan Cemenska, Stephanie Corey, Jelena Schidzig, Stuart Weinstein, Rebecca Harding, Andrew Nicholson, Uwais Iqbal, Joanne Brook, Clare Harman Clark, Helen Foord

Consulting editor(s): Globe Law and Business

Essential Reads for the Modern Lawyer draws on Globe Law and Business' Modern Lawyer journal’s wealth of opinion pieces, interviews and thought leadership, which together comprise an invaluable and wide-ranging analysis of the topics that really matter to those working throughout the legal ecosystem.

Publication date: Nov 2024
ISBN: 9781837230556
Length: 172 pages
Price: £135.00

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Power of Attorney Legislation: A STEP Global Guide

Consulting editor(s): Emily Deane, STEP

Powers of attorney have a crucial role to play in looking after vulnerable people. Yet power of attorney legislation is inconsistent across the globe, with some jurisdictions having very limited legislation in place. Jurisdictions that do have robust legislation in place may not be recognised in a country outside of where it was made, and some jurisdictions do not have any power of attorney legislative instruments at all. 

In this comparative guide, Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners (STEP) members will provide quick and informative answers to an adviser’s questions on the policy and legislation of another jurisdiction.

Publication date: Nov 2024
ISBN: 9781837230372
Length: 164 pages
Price: £149.00

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Product Counsel

Advise, Innovate, and Inspire

Author(s): Olga V. Mack, Adrienne Go

Product Counsel: Advise, Innovate, and Inspire offers a pioneering exploration into the emerging discipline of product law. Authored by Olga V. Mack and Adrienne Go, this comprehensive guide equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of today's dynamic business and regulatory landscape.

Publication date: Oct 2024
ISBN: 9781837230433
Length: 225 pages
Price: £149.00

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Trust Laws in the Czech Republic and Hungary

Consulting editor(s): Paolo Panico, James Turnbull and István Sándor

Trust Laws in the Czech Republic and Hungary explores the issues and challenges encountered when introducing common law trust concepts into civil law legal systems and provides the only systematic review of Czech and Hungarian trust laws in English. It also reviews the legal and practical aspects of trusts in these two – quite different – jurisdictions, and the book is divided into two parts which deal separately with Czech and Hungarian solutions.

Publication date: Oct 2024
ISBN: 9781837230068
Length: 323 pages
Price: £165.00

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Innovation in Law Firms:

Implementing Successful Projects

Author(s): Stuart Whittle, Catriona Wolfenden

Innovation in Law Firms is packed with insight from the authors who lead the award-winning innovation team at Weightmans, and who have experience of starting innovation from scratch, as well as viewpoints ranging from the strategic, board-level perspective to the on-the-ground experience of actually doing innovation projects. It is practical rather than theoretical in style and aims to fill some of the adoption gap by exploring the highs and lows of innovating in law firms, and outlining practical steps that can be taken to mitigate some of the potential pitfalls.

Publication date: Oct 2024
ISBN: 9781787429550
Length: 191 pages
Price: £149.00

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Liquefied Natural Gas

The Law and Business of LNG, Fourth Edition

Consulting editor(s): Paul Griffin, White & Case; University of Dundee and David Baker, White & Case

This fully revised new edition of the best-selling title features contributions from leading energy companies, institutions and academic bodies, as well as consultancies and law firms, and each of the writers is a specialist in their field.

Whether you are a lawyer in private practice or from a national or international oil company, utility business, ship broking or ship building firm, bank or energy advisory practice, this commercially focused title will provide you with a unique, practical guide to today’s international LNG business, while offering thoughtful insights on what the future may bring.

Publication date: Sep 2024
ISBN: 9781837230037
Length: 605 pages
Price: £295.00

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Clean Transport: The Legal Framework for Achieving Net Zero

Consulting editor(s): Will Smith, Addleshaw Goddard LLP

Our comprehensive Special Report, Clean Transport, delves into the transport sector’s significant contribution to CO2 emissions and explores how governments worldwide are striving to drive change in this critical area. With a particular focus on modal shift, electric vehicles, sustainable aviation, green shipping and connected autonomous vehicles, this Special Report provides a timely in-depth analysis of the initiatives being undertaken to reduce CO2 emissions and promote sustainable transportation.

Publication date: Aug 2024
ISBN: 9781837230150
Length: 191 pages
Price: £125.00

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Private Equity

A Transactional Analysis, Fifth Edition

Consulting editor(s): Chris Hale, Travers Smith LLP

This practical fifth edition introduces the world of private equity not just from a UK perspective, but also that of key European jurisdictions and the US. It explains its rise and recent dynamics, and explores the key ingredients of private equity transactions and the technical issues associated with them. Featuring fully updated chapters by leading private equity practitioners, the book includes high-level analysis of private equity fund structures, equity and debt finance, acquisition documentation, due diligence, tax structuring, and public-to-privates.

Publication date: Aug 2024
ISBN: 9781787429734
Length: 573 pages
Price: £295.00

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Managing Partner Performance

Strategies for Transforming Underperforming Partners

Author(s): Nick Jarrett-Kerr, Jonathan Middleburgh, Patrick J McKenna, Michael Roch, Ray D'Cruz, Joel Barolsky, Paula Davis, Graham Browning, Bree Buchanan, Jonathan Watmough, Krystal Champlin-Gerage, Jim Lawrence, Stephan Lucks, Martin Hill, Dr Heidi K Gardner, Ivan Matviak

Consulting editor(s): Nick Jarrett-Kerr and Jonathan Middleburgh

It is a strategic imperative for firms to remain competitive, adaptive, and capable of delivering high-quality legal services in today's complex business environment. Partner performance is a critical issue and will become more so in the coming years as AI threatens to replace or reposition underperforming employees. The dynamic and evolving nature of the legal profession, coupled with external factors such as technology, globalization, and economic changes, underscores the importance of performance management for law firms.

Managing Partner Performance: Strategies for Transforming Underperforming Partners takes a comprehensive look at how to improve underperforming partners within the legal profession. It provides insight and practical solutions for law firm leaders committed to revitalizing their teams and optimizing organizational success. Structured into four parts, the book systematically diagnoses underperformance, its cause and effect, how to deal with underperforming partners, and how to proactively performance manage over the long-term.

Publication date: Aug 2024
ISBN: 9781837230259
Length: 271 pages
Price: £149.00

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Business Development for Women Lawyers, Second Edition

Author(s): Rachel Brushfield, Natasha Innocenti, Pam Loch, Joanna Gaudoin, Susan Heaton-Wright, Belinda Lester, Nika Kabiri, Sarah Goulbourne, Claire Rason, Joanne Brook, Danielle Gleicher-Bates, Aniela Foster-Turner, Hannah Constantine, Misha Patel

Business Development for Women Lawyers features multiple contributions from women across the globe, looking at the skills and techniques, experiences, and talents that female lawyers use to develop their practices and grow their order books, acting as both inspiration and motivation to its readers. Chapters on marketing and social media, networking at events, building reputation, and becoming a successful rainmaker make this is an essential read for women looking to develop business based upon their own personal interests and strengths.

Publication date: Aug 2024
ISBN: 9781837230341
Length: 129 pages
Price: £149.00

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How to Buy Legal Tech That Works

Author(s): Nathan Cemenska

Legal technology, a once-obscure niche that few knew about and even fewer invested in, has come into its own. With the advent of generative AI, funding is about to flow into the space and birth a raft of new legal tech products, as well as improved versions of old ones.

Industry veterans know full well that the legal tech market is already flooded with bad tech, particularly considering all the hype around contract lifecycle management, which has proven to be a much tougher nut to crack than anyone imagined. Over the next few years we will see the most thoughtful, innovative legal tech solutions the world has ever seen. We will also see a ton of rubbish.

How to Buy Legal Tech That Works is about how to cut through the grist and find practical solutions that work for you, regardless of marketing and sales hype. Written by Nathan Cemenska, an industry veteran who has represented both buyers of legal tech and a very prominent seller, it lays out a soup-to-nuts legal tech procurement approach that takes you through the entire process, from defining your needs, identifying relevant solutions, decoding marketing and sales narratives, performing full due diligence on vendors to figure out what they are really selling, all the way down to negotiating the final contract to obtain favorable pricing and assurances in case implementation goes less well than envisioned. While nothing is guaranteed, this book will lay out the building blocks to arm you with all the information you need to protect yourself from legal tech companies that, in their desperation to make a sale, have lost sight of what should be their goal – to provide practical, common-sense products that help move the legal industry forward.


Publication date: Aug 2024
ISBN: 9781837230310
Length: 154 pages
Price: £149.00

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