A daring, innovative, authentic, and relentlessly optimistic exploration of women in family office and family business. This Special Report is a must-have guide for women in wealth, regardless of age, geography, or background. It brings together global research, inspiring words, and trail-blazing case studies with financial literacy and tangible next steps – all of which combine into a practical guide for women to spearhead sustainable, competitive, and innovative family firms into the future.
Leaning on the themes of authenticity, advocacy, and education, Sasha Lund and her community of thought leaders paint a picture of a changing tide. Women are leading and shaping the conversation about wealth management today, and rather than suggesting they change form to be more like their male counterparts or strip themselves of femininity, this report tells women to be women. It guides leaders to stay true to their authentic selves and lean on strengths of emotional intelligence, compassion, mentorship, and strategic foresight, as well as their often-dual role as mother and leader, to thrive.
The report also explores the idiosyncratic challenges that female leaders face and presents practical next steps for readers, their families, and their firms to consider - from childcare support and infrastructure to mentorship and opportunity. The Rising Role of Women in Family Offices and Family Businesses is a brilliant read that arms women with the agency they need to change the world of wealth.

Jacq Andrews, Writer and Strategist in the Family Enterprise Ecosystem