Writing on a subject where every likely reader will have an opinion, and each opinion will be informed by their personal experience, is an undertaking that needs to be handled with care, respect and some kindness. Of course it helps if the authors can call upon their own impressive experiences and that they can write really well, as well. In this book there is nothing polemic, strident or self-regarding; it quietly goes about the business of laying down meaningful, solid foundations, and offers pragmatic and practical insights that both respect the reader’s intelligence, but affirm and encourage too. The book does not play to a sector or a type of team, but is an impactful, courteous observation on the role of General Counsel. It felt to me like the sensible person in a debate, speaking with integrity and clarity, but neither partisan nor dismissive of a range of opinions. It is well written, accessible, reflective and valuable. I think it might be especially helpful for those aspiring to lead teams. It makes the role seem accessible to anyone with a sensibility to lead with care, calmness and thoughtfulness. Importantly it never slips into self-aggrandising leadership tropes. Above all this book is a reflective pause marking the maturity of a role that is often misunderstood, but which is now even more critical in our evermore interconnected, interdependent and complex world.