Editor(s): Norman K Clark
Publication date: Jan 2021
Format: A4 Softback
Pages: 128
Price: £95.00
ISBN: 9781787424104
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As so many firms are focused on current business stresses, this Special Report offers a clear and challenging analysis which will force law firm leaders to look to the future, to balance current issues with long term realities. Given the predictive nature of the analysis, to not read this report is a lost opportunity.
An extremely comprehensive, in-depth, and experience-based guide that provides a high level of comparative analysis utilizing outstanding case studies. Its self-interview format is an excellent opportunity for a quick and efficient assessment of your firm from the outsourcing perspective. I strongly recommend the report to those who are seeking to increase their firm’s productivity and adaptability to change.
Norman K Clark has edited a must-read report for anyone considering the merits of outsourcing core legal service functions.
Outsourcing of Core Legal Service Functions is a must read as it provides an answer regarding how to maintain profitable practices illuminating options for legal managers facing current challenges which have disrupted law firm business models.
Norman has once again excelled in the delivery of an easy to follow roadmap to increased productivity. The self-evaluation of competencies, risks, costs and opportunities to ensure that a firm can outsource inefficient functions while increasing quality and profitability thereof are key. By doing so, firms can capitalize on the allocation of freed up resources to areas of greater profitability. By illustrating three areas for competence outsourcing, each of us can identify the opportunities available within our firms to maximize returns in our own realities. If you are responsible for management, you need to pay attention to this issue as pressure to deliver in a post-COVID world will be significant and knowing where and how to optimize is critical.
Is outsourcing right for your law firm?
Law firms of all sizes are discovering opportunities from outsourcing some of their core operating functions that have traditionally been performed in-house. This Special Report outlines a highly firm-specific approach to identify and prioritise the components of a business case for outsourcing, as well as in-depth examinations of three representative types of outsourced services that are available to law firms:
- Patent research;
- Cybersecurity; and
- Large-volume document review.
It will examine their potential impacts on a law firm’s bottom line, and the frequently encountered management challenges in a law firm’s relationship with its external service provider. It concludes with a look at the future of outsourcing in the legal services industry.
Edited by Norman K Clark, this report is a step-by-step guide to a well-informed outsourcing decision as well as a roadmap for implementing it in a way that produces the best return on the law firm’s investment of management attention and resources. It will be of interest to anyone considering the option of outsourcing their core legal service functions, including small and mid-sized law firms, both those in general practice and specialised boutiques.
Key features at a glance:
- Investigates how outsourcing of operational functions in law firms can improve the profitability of law firms of any size and legal speciality
- Explores how outsourcing offers special benefits to small and mid-size firms by enabling them to offer world-class expertise, consistently high service quality, and competitive prices
- Practical advice for decisions such as: what, if any, internal functions in our law firm should we outsource?; and, what can you realistically expect from the vendors to which we outsource these important functions?
- Offers a comprehensive look at which patent services can be outsourced and coverage of competencies of a good service provider. It also goes over the requirements before outsourcing to help customers ensure they select the right service provider and business engagement model for them
- Contains an in-depth discussion of how the requirements and risks of information security have outrun the internal capabilities of most law firms
- Looks at trends in outsourcing IT to Managed Services Providers and explains the role of a Managed Services Provider, including how they will increase your legal firm’s cybersecurity platforms, shoulder liability and increase regulatory compliance
- Covers cost savings benefits when outsourcing IT, trending cybersecurity threats aimed at legal firms, considerations for choosing an IT provider, remote workforces and cloud services for legal firms
- Provides real-life examples of mistakes and growth opportunities for document review. Explains how your law firm can use document review to become more environmentally sustainable, and how you can speed up reviews and minimise the need for costly quality control reviews by learning the 5 critical aspects of review design