Author(s): Ian White, Simon McCall
Publication date: Mar 2021
Format: A4 Softback
Pages: 123
Price: £75.00
ISBN: 9781787424029
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An impactful, courteous observation on the role of General Counsel. It felt to me like the sensible person in a debate, speaking with integrity and clarity, but neither partisan nor dismissive of a range of opinions. It is well written, accessible, reflective and valuable.
I wish this had been out years ago! A practical, pragmatic manual for all stages of an in-house legal career. Full of useful hints and tips, written in an easy, conversational style. Ian and Simon have created a companion guide which provides a great overview of the main duties of the role, useful also for those working with in-house lawyers. The well-thought out sections mean it can also be dipped into for helpful advice on tricky challenges.
Thoughtful, practical and strategic. This book cannot be recommended too highly, particularly for those new to a GC role.
At last! GCs and the in-house community have waited too long for this book. This is a handy and highly practical guide on building and managing an in-house career. It is content rich, intelligently sequenced, well written and full of practical tips and suggestions. GCs “don’t know what they don’t know”, but with this book by their side, GCs will be equipped to address many of the unknowns they face and resolve challenges they are confronting for the first time. Heading a legal function can be lonely and it is not always obvious were to turn for advice and guidance. Fortunately that need will, from now, be partially answered by Your Role as General Counsel as the real world emphasis of the book should help provide the necessary roadmap. In my view, this should be mandatory reading on Day 1 for all new GCs.
The role of General Counsel has never been more demanding: cuts on spending and doing more for less; a demanding board and Executive Committee; and a plethora of law and regulation.
This Special Report, by Ian White and Simon McCall, seeks to help address some of these challenges. By guiding you through the first 100 days in a significant role, it will show you how to navigate between acting as wise counsel to management while leading your team successfully.
It also covers:
- working with the board;
- coaching;
- developing a legal strategy;
- taking on the company secretarial role; and
- developing your career within legal and beyond.
This Special Report is a must-read for any current or aspiring GC, in-house legal teams, HR directors, CEOs and private practice lawyers who wish to know what to expect from the in-house teams.
Key features at a glance:
- Provides practical guidance for the new GC and a source of inspiration for the existing one, while also being a useful reference guide of information for all those working with in-house lawyers, enabling you to make the most of your GC and their team
- Gain a thorough understanding of the role in order to serve GCs effectively and efficiently
- Contains coverage of the ‘life cycle’ of a GC, from first days to succession planning, alongside practical and useful tips throughout, as well as insights from successful General Counsel
- Helps you to decide what sort of GC you want and need to be and what success in your role will look like, enabling you to measure your progress
- Covers pre-due diligence before you start, running relationships with other business functions, managing and developing your team and addressing tension points with the Board as well as other key responsibilities of General Counsel