Arbitration of M&A Transactions:

A Practical Global Guide, Second Edition

Consulting editor(s): Edward Poulton - Baker McKenzie

Merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions have increased dramatically both in number and volume around the world in the last decades. Fully updated, this new edition features leading experts in the field of international arbitration who provide legal and practical guidance on the key types of dispute likely to arise from M&A transactions (eg, warranty claims, shareholder disputes, claims relating to completion accounts), and offer procedural and tactical tips for arbitration arising from them.

Publication date: Apr 2020
ISBN: 9781787422902
Length: 555 pages
Price: £165.00

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Business Families and Family Businesses

The STEP Handbook for Advisers, Second Edition

Consulting editor(s): Simon Rylatt, Boodle Hatfield

This new edition, edited by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), features chapters by leading practitioners in the field, including the Family Firm Institute, Schroders, Boodle Hatfield and SandAire, Kleinwort Hambros, Dixon Wilson and Rathbones. The book considers what makes business families and family businesses unique, and examines the issues that advisers are often called upon to consider and address when assisting them. It helps practitioners to deepen their understanding of how families operate, and to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to advise on such complex areas as conflicts between working and non-working family members, ownership structure, succession, wealth management, governance and meeting a family’s philanthropic objectives.

Publication date: Jun 2018
ISBN: 9781787421646
Length: 319 pages
Price: £130.00

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Business Families and Family Businesses

The STEP Handbook for Advisers, Third Edition

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Consulting editor(s): Clare Stirzaker - Boodle Hatfield LLP

This comprehensive handbook makes essential reading for all practitioners who advise business families, including lawyers, accountants, financial advisers and wider family business advisers.

Publication date: Apr 2025
ISBN: 9781837230679
Length: 320 pages
Price: £175.00

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Carve-out M&A Transactions

A Practical Guide

Consulting editor(s): Robbie McLaren, Latham & Watkins

This practical guide, edited by Robbie McLaren at Latham & Watkins, features contributions by specialists on subjects linked to the structuring and execution of carve-out transactions and provides an invaluable insight into the legal, regulatory and practical elements in play. Topics include documentary provisions, IP transfers, transitional services, employment risks, antitrust concerns and financing acquisitions.

Publication date: Sep 2019
ISBN: 9781787422407
Length: 200 pages
Price: £130.00

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Company Formation:

A Practical Global Guide, Third Edition

Consulting editor(s): Agustí Jausas

Company Formation: A Practical Global Guide, 3rd Ed is an updated and expanded edition (now in two volumes) of this popular title on how to set up a company in a wide range of jurisdictions. New to the third edition (now in two volumes) are agreements setting forth the relationship between the shareholders and the company (ie, the bylaws or articles of incorporation). 

Publication date: Jan 2014
ISBN: 9781909416420
Length: 1100 pages
Price: £258.00

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Directors' Liability and Indemnification:

A Global Guide, Fourth Edition

Consulting editor(s): Edward Smerdon

The fourth edition of this title features fully updated contributions from leading legal experts around the world on what directors need to be concerned about in 2022 and beyond, together with the protections available. New features of this edition include greater scrutiny of criminal vs regulatory liability, forecasting of particular trends, and the insurability of fines and penalties in the jurisdictions covered, as well as new chapters on Jersey and Guernsey (Offshore) and Sweden (Nordics). 

Publication date: Oct 2022
ISBN: 9781787428362
Length: 870 pages
Price: £265.00

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Doing Business in the BRICS:

A Practical Legal Handbook

Consulting editor(s): Ravi Nath, Rajinder Narain & Co

This book, featuring a Preface by Jim O'Neill of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, provides an overview of the BRICS nations. Each chapter is authored by experienced lawyers, who provide insights on demography, political and legal systems (including investment regulations, competition policies, IP laws, taxation and labour laws) in a clear and comprehensive manner. The book serves as a preliminary and practical guide for lawyers, investors, corporations and entrepreneurs regarding the mode and methods of doing business in these jurisdictions.

Publication date: Dec 2012
ISBN: 9781905783816
Length: 280 pages
Price: £120.00

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Educational Institutions

A Legal and Regulatory Handbook for Setting up Overseas

Consulting editor(s): Mark Abell

In summary, this comprehensive handbook will provide a trusted guide for legal and business markets to the risk profiling, structural analysis and regulatory compliance issues that face all educational organisations seeking to establish themselves internationally.  

Publication date: Apr 2018
ISBN: 9781787420878
Length: 298 pages
Price: £138.00

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Employee Share Plans:

International Legal and Tax Issues, Second Edition

Consulting editor(s): Paul Ellerman, Herbert Smith LLP

This fully revised and expanded second edition features contributions by leading experts from 32 countries, including new chapters on Italy, Japan, Luxembourg and South Africa, setting out in just one volume the important legal and tax issues to be considered when operating employee share plans internationally. This major text will assist legal, tax and HR professionals in multinational companies, and the private practice advisers working with them, in extending their employee share plans globally.

Publication date: Sep 2011
ISBN: 9781905783519
Length: 393 pages
Price: £145.00

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European Takeovers:

The Art of Acquisition, Third Edition

Consulting editor(s): Alejandro Fernández de Araoz

European Takeovers provides a complete guide to the European Takeover Directive, national M&A regulation and the interaction between domestic and pan-European regulation. It contains a detailed discussion of the fundamental principles of national and European law, its application and the various practical issues that companies and their advisers face as they plan, defend and execute takeovers. Chapters have been fully updated with the latest regulations and case law in the featured jurisdictions, and new chapters have been added addressing key topics such as the relationship between ESG and M&A, as well as complex topics such as the notion of collusion.

Publication date: Dec 2022
ISBN: 9781787428041
Length: 413 pages
Price: £195.00

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Family Enterprises:

How to Build Growth, Family Control and Family Harmony

Consulting editor(s): Richard L Narva

This book compiles the wisdom of experienced leaders of family growth companies and those who advise them, focusing on what works to sustain business success without sacrificing family relationships or control. Each of the contributors is grounded in deep management or professional expertise guiding or advising family-controlled enterprises.  

Publication date: Mar 2015
ISBN: 9781909416505
Length: 360 pages
Price: £125.00

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Foundations and Evolutions of Structured Trade Finance, Second Edition

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Author(s): Professor Benedict O. Oramah

Structured trade finance (STF) is a highly specialized area of trade finance that has evolved directly from practice. As it grows and becomes more complex in an increasingly risk-based regulatory environment, there is a pressing need for detailed guidance on the subject.

Now in its second edition, Foundations and Evolutions of Structured Trade Finance provides exactly this. Written by Professor Benedict O. Oramah, president of Afreximbank and a key figure in the evolution of STF, this book delves into the philosophical foundations and risks associated with structured trade finance. It offers step-by-step guidance on structuring deals, explores the scope of coverage beyond commodities, and examines real-life case studies to draw valuable lessons.

The new edition has been revised and updated, featuring brand new sections on reserve-based lending, supply chain finance, and new technologies for implementing structured trade finance.

Publication date: Apr 2025
ISBN: 9781837230822
Length: 395 pages
Price: £195.00

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Global Merger Control Handbook

Consulting editor(s): DLA Piper

With an increasing number of cross-border strategic corporate reorganisations in today’s fast changing global environment, understanding of and compliance with the latest regulations and requirements is of vital importance. To help you navigate through the various specific merger control regulations, this comprehensive three-volume major work offers a thorough and very detailed overview of relevant local rules, methodology, process and timing requirements across over 55 jurisdictions, on a country by country basis.  

Publication date: Mar 2019
ISBN: 9781787422162
Length: 1440 (with slipcase, three volumes) pages
Price: £495.00

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IP Issues in Corporate Transactions:

A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Intellectual Property in Acquisitions and Investments

Consulting editor(s): Neil Coulson, Baker Botts

This book provides comprehensive guidance to the treatment of intellectual property across the full range of corporate transactions, from initial deal preparation, through negotiating points, to post-closure considerations. Exploring such allied topics as IP valuation and the relationship between intellectual property and competition law, this guide will be a valuable tool to anyone involved in corporate transactions, of which intellectual property now forms such an integral part.

Publication date: Dec 2015
ISBN: 9781909416611
Length: 230 pages
Price: £138.00

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International Advertising Law:

A Practical Global Guide, Second Edition

Consulting editor(s): Paul Jordan and Andrew Butcher, Bristows LLP

Updated for 2021, International Advertising Law addresses the relevant law and regulations, as well as setting out practical considerations. This second edition covers key areas of advertising law such as local complaints procedures and enforcement, comparative advertising, influencer campaigns, sales promotions, ambush marketing, product placement, direct marketing and online behavioural advertising, and includes chapters from leading experts in 27 jurisdictions. 

Publication date: Mar 2021
ISBN: 9781787423909
Length: 640 pages
Price: £165.00

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International Franchising:

A Practitioner's Guide

Consulting editor(s): Marco Hero, TIGGES Rechtsanwalte

This major title, produced in conjunction with the International Bar Association, is a concise, practical guide by leading practitioners for all those involved in planning and operating an international franchise programme, from in-house counsel to managing directors to those in private practice.  The book is divided in two parts: the first part provides general information on preparing for international franchising and the second part applies know-how and industry experience to the most popular franchise industries such as hospitality, internet and technology, services and retail.

Publication date: May 2010
ISBN: 9781905783403
Length: 376 pages
Price: £138.00

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Labour Law

A Practical Global Guide

Consulting editor(s): Agustí Jausas

This title is the perfect companion to the Globe Law and Business book on company formation (Company Formation: A Practical Global Guide, Second edition). Featuring over 35 chapters by practising professionals, the book provides a succinct overview of the labour regulations in force in a number of key jurisdictions. Topics covered in each chapter include the labour contract, non-compete covenants, changes in working conditions, board representation, termination by both employer and employee, leave and social security, among others.

Publication date: May 2011
ISBN: 9781905783441
Length: 728 pages
Price: £128.00

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Legal Risk Management, Governance and Compliance:

Interdisciplinary Case Studies from Leading Experts

Consulting editor(s): Stuart Weinstein and Charles Wild

This case-study companion provides the next level of critical analysis and legal commentary. Leading experts analyse real-life cases and make recommendations based on lessons learned, offering solutions that will be of use to all those directly involved in, or concerned with, the management of legal risk in the commercial, government or non-profit sector. Checklists and diagrams are included to consolidate core issues and provide a readily accessible view of corporate group structures and associated timelines.

Publication date: Oct 2016
ISBN: 9781909416512
Length: 196 pages
Price: £128.00

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Legal Risk Management, Governance and Compliance:

A Guide to Best Practice from Leading Experts

Consulting editor(s): Stuart Weinstein and Charles Wild, University of Hertfordshire

This title offers cutting edge know-how and guidance for the development and management of a sophisticated legal risk management and compliance operation. While identifying risks and regulatory challenges, chapters also explore how professionals can manage processes; implement change; track issues and loss events; screen potential clients, partners, employees and contractors; and implement appropriate remediation.

Publication date: May 2013
ISBN: 9781905783946
Length: 480 pages
Price: £120.00

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M&A in the Middle East:

A Practical Regional Guide

Consulting editor(s): Michael Kortbawi - Bin Shabib & Associates (BSA) LLP

M&A in the Middle East is a practical guide that assists those involved in M&A deals in managing risk and expectations, while also ensuring that deals are closed as efficiently as possible. The book highlights the idiosyncrasies and trends that define and distinguish each jurisdiction, while providing up-to-date and practical advice for legal professionals advising on deals. In-house lawyers and potential investors will also benefit from this valuable guide.

Publication date: Dec 2013
ISBN: 9781905783632
Length: 182 pages
Price: £138.00

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Mergers and Acquisitions:

A Practical Global Guide

Consulting editor(s): Andreas Lachmann - RWP

This practical title features 27 chapters by leading experts on the various factors to consider when acquiring a company in their jurisdictions, including the pitfalls to avoid and proposed solutions.

Publication date: Aug 2007
ISBN: 9781905783090
Length: 453 pages
Price: £128.00

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Negotiating Technology Contracts, Second Edition

Author(s): Kit Burden, Mark O'Conor and Duncan Pithouse

This second edition provides a practical, commercial guide to negotiations without a heavy focus on ‘black letter law’, and seeks to explain the perspectives of both sides of the negotiating table on a clause-by-clause basis, clearly setting out the key points they will want to protect – and why – while also offering suggestions as to what they may be willing to concede or compromise upon.

The title is written with the benefit of DLA Piper’s unparalleled view of the global market for technology sourcing and outsourcing projects, and from acting for customers and service providers in this space over many years and in many jurisdictions.

Publication date: Aug 2023
ISBN: 9781787429796
Length: 329 pages
Price: £195.00

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Oil and Gas Sale and Purchase Agreements:

SPAs for International Oil and Gas Acquisitions and Divestitures, Second Edition

Consulting editor(s): John LaMaster and Caroline-Lucy Moran, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

This second edition, written by experienced and well-known practitioners from within the oil and gas industry, is intended to provide a practical review of the provisions typically included in oil and gas sale and purchase agreements. It includes updated and revised chapters from the first edition, as well as new chapters, including on disclosure letters; private equity transactions; warranty and indemnity insurance; and material adverse changes. It aims to benefit lawyers and commercial negotiators working in the industry who handle sale and purchase transactions.

Publication date: Nov 2020
ISBN: 9781787423985
Length: 443 pages
Price: £175.00

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Outer Space Law:

Legal Policy and Practice, Second Edition

Consulting editor(s): Yanal Abul Failat and Anél Ferreira-Snyman

Outer space has become a congested environment. The involvement of private actors, specifically, has given rise to a number of legal issues, including questions pertaining to liability, insurance, space debris, human rights and property rights in space. To address these legal uncertainties, the existing chapters in the second edition of Outer Space Law: Legal Policy and Practice have been updated significantly and several new chapters have been added dealing with topical issues including: the regulation of satellite navigation systems, and satellite constellations; the application of human rights in outer space settlements; the exploration and colonisation of outer space; and planetary protection.

Publication date: Apr 2022
ISBN: 9781787424821
Length: 575 pages
Price: £195.00

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A Practical Guide, Second Edition

Consulting editor(s): Kit Burden - DLA Piper

This book is the fully updated second edition of the key text on outsourcing written by the market-leading global technology and sourcing team at DLA Piper, one of the world's largest law firms. Writing from both a legal and commercial perspective, it considers the complete lifecycle of an outsourcing contract and the variety of legal and contractual issues that can arise in connection with such a project. It will provide you with an end-to-end guide to the outsourcing contracting process and the detailed terms to be considered and carefully negotiated.

Publication date: Feb 2021
ISBN: 9781787424302
Length: 472 pages
Price: £175.00

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Practical Derivatives:

A Transactional Approach, Fourth Edition

Consulting editor(s): Edmund Parker and Marcin Perzanowski

This fourth edition features a number of new chapters analysing the latest trends in areas such as the rise of derivatives referencing cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, the slow but steady move to assets meeting the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria in the area of derivatives and structured products, and the emergence of new structures in the securities finance world. It also includes updated chapters explaining how derivatives are used in the practical context, how the documentation works and any pitfalls for the unwary.

Publication date: Jan 2023
ISBN: 9781787428423
Length: 728 pages
Price: £265.00

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Preparing for Partnership

A Guide to Achieving Partnership in a Law Firm

Author(s): Michael Roster, David Parnell, Jennifer Bluestein, Pippa Blakemore, Paul Williams, Tom Bird, Nicky Owen, Tony Young, Hung Tran, Jean-Baptiste Lebelle, Claire Rason

Becoming a partner in a law firm is a significant milestone in a lawyer's career, and requires a combination of strong legal skills, business acumen, leadership abilities and a commitment to the firm's success. Preparing for Partnership reviews the essential steps that lawyers need to take to make partnership a reality.

This book outlines the critical factors for success, from building a strong track record to developing a loyal client base, demonstrating leadership skills and meeting the firm's criteria. Contributors to the book discuss how to network and build relationships within the firm, review the financial aspects of partnership, and how to seek feedback and mentorship from other partners.

Preparing for Partnership is an invaluable resource for lawyers seeking to achieve the ultimate career milestone of partnership, and for team leaders and management as they help aspiring partners to prepare. This book will help lawyers navigate the complex path to partnership and realize their full potential in the legal profession. 

Publication date: Sep 2023
ISBN: 9781787429857
Length: 160 pages
Price: £85.00

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Private Equity Exits:

A Practical Analysis, Third Edition

Consulting editor(s): Tom Evans - Latham & Watkins

This practical guide features contributions by leading specialists (including from Latham & Watkins, Linklaters, Macfarlanes and Ropes & Gray) on a range of topics linked to the exit of private equity investments. New to the third edition is analysis on emerging and established trends impacting exit terms, including early management liquidity, the prevalence of insurance solutions and related party or fund-to-fund exits.

Publication date: Jan 2022
ISBN: 9781787424906
Length: 248 pages
Price: £180.00

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Product Recall, Liability and Insurance:

A Global Guide

Consulting editor(s): Mark Kendall and Jason McNerlin - Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold LLP

Across jurisdictions, there are significant differences in the law and practice relating to product safety regulation, recall and liability.  Featuring chapters from Uría Menéndez, Norton Rose and Minter Ellison, this first edition covers key issues that can arise in relation to product regulation, recall, liability and insurance coverage in a number of jurisdictions in Europe, North America, South America and Asia.

Publication date: Dec 2012
ISBN: 9781905783670
Length: 481 pages
Price: £148.00

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Profitability in Law Firms

Insight and Analysis

Author(s): Toby Brown, Steven Campbell, Tim Corcoran, Mark Santiago, Shaun Jardine, Richard Brzakala, Stuart Dodds, Phil Nixon, Wayne Hassay, Madhav Srinivasan, Richard Martin, John McCarthy, Jack Kingston, Michelle Peters, Mitch Spradlin

Profitability – on the face of it – should be simple enough to determine. But once you start to lift the lid, there is much more than meets the eye. Profitability in Law Firms: Insight and Analysis provides practical and proven strategies for law firm leaders and managers who want to take their firms to the next level of performance and profitability.

How can they increase their profitability and efficiency without compromising their quality and reputation? How can they leverage the power of technology, data, and innovation to create value for their clients and themselves? Law firms are facing unprecedented challenges in the current financial climate and therefore need profitability strategies to survive and thrive in a competitive and changing market.

Publication date: Jan 2024
ISBN: 9781787429970
Length: 211 pages
Price: £159.00

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Shareholders' Rights and Obligations

A Global Guide

Consulting editor(s): Marcel Willems

This practical handbook provides an overview of the relevant legal issues concerning shareholders in some 25 of the most important business nations around the globe. It provides guidance to shareholders, directors, supervisory directors, general counsel and their attorneys to promote a better understanding of the rights, but also the obligations, of shareholders. Besides, this guide provides all those concerned with practical information on the relevant dispute resolution systems.

Publication date: Dec 2017
ISBN: 9781911078227
Length: 779 pages
Price: £275.00

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Sustaining Family Enterprise:

Meeting the Challenges of Continuity, Control and Competitiveness

Consulting editor(s): Richard L Narva

This second volume is intended to provide sustenance to those stakeholders committed to the core objectives presented in the title to the first book. It addresses ongoing issues facing both family shareholder control groups and the enterprises they control that surface in ongoing, mature, successful endeavours.

Publication date: Dec 2016
ISBN: 9781911078142
Length: 239 pages
Price: £144.00

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The Global ESG Handbook

A Guide for Practitioners

Consulting editor(s): Paul Davies, Latham & Watkins

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are increasingly considered as core business priorities for companies, boards and investors, with ESG representing an area of significant opportunity for many. Navigating the broad range of topics that fall under ESG, including regulatory developments, political impacts and stakeholder sentiment, requires multidisciplinary and global expertise from experienced practitioners.

Featuring cross-jurisdictional insight, this important title covers a range of ESG topics in depth, containing contributions from leading legal professionals, industry experts and consultants. The book firstly discusses ‘what is ESG?’ before covering areas including supply chain topics, financial regulatory impacts, ESG disclosure obligations, M&A and private equity, among many other important subjects.

Publication date: Jul 2024
ISBN: 9781787429765
Length: 287 pages
Price: £149.00

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The International Family Offices Journal

Editor(s): Nicola Saccardo, Charles Russell Speechlys

This practical information source co-published with STEP features articles from leading professionals, who discuss a range of topics including: the various family office models and structures; governance issues; protection of assets; charity projects; consensus and communication within families and next gen issues.

Issue date: Dec 2024
ISSN: 2398-7502
Frequency: Quarterly
Price per annum: £895.00

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The Limited Liability Company under German Law (the GmbH)

Author(s): Dr Alexander Schröder-Frerkes and Dr Armin Göhring

The Limited Liability Company under German Law, published in association with German Law Publishers, explores the most relevant legal issues and topics for investors seeking to establish or acquire a GmbH in Germany and is aimed at investors with a legal background as well as those without. In addition to providing an overview of the requirements of the formation process, this comprehensive edition demonstrates the GmbH’s inherent flexibility as well as helping legal practitioners (based in Germany and elsewhere) decide on whether a GmbH is most suitable for their needs. 

Publication date: May 2020
ISBN: 9781787423626
Length: 304 pages
Price: £95.00

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