Essential Reads on Family Offices
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Consulting editor(s): Globe Law and Business
Your essential resource featuring insights from the world's foremost experts on the most pressing topics facing family offices and their advisers today. Contributions have been carefully curated from the prestigious archive of The International Family Offices Journal, co-published with STEP, and the Special Report, Family Business and Responsible Wealth Ownership.
Publication date: Dec 2023
Length: 219 pages
Family Offices
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Consulting editor(s): Barbara R Hauser & Nicola Saccardo
Prepared in association with STEP, the world’s leading organisation for private wealth professionals, this new edition of Family Offices has been fully updated and features a number of new chapters, all written by the leading experts in the field.
The third edition of this practical guide steers readers through the family office model, from its inception to the final stage in its ‘life cycle’.
Publication date: Sep 2023
Length: 487 pages
Setting up a Family Office
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Author(s): Barbara R Hauser, Keith Drewery
Setting up a family office is never an easy undertaking and can present numerous challenges for anyone seeking to steward assets for future generations or meet the complex needs of extended family members. This Special Report provides a practical guide to the main factors to consider when setting up a family office and helps families and their advisers navigate a path through the wide range of family office models in use today.
Publication date: Mar 2020
Length: 80 pages
The International Family Offices Journal
Editor(s): Nicola Saccardo, Charles Russell Speechlys
This practical information source co-published with STEP features articles from leading professionals, who discuss a range of topics including: the various family office models and structures; governance issues; protection of assets; charity projects; consensus and communication within families and next gen issues.
Issue date: Dec 2024
Frequency: Quarterly
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