A Guide to Global Best Practice and Standards in KM
Author(s): Nick Milton, Karen Battersby, Liz Hobbs, Dr Peter Brown, Dominique Poole Avery, Karen Elson, Darryl Wing, Patrick DiDomenico, Dave Snowden
An invaluable toolkit in the implementation of the ISO's new standard in Knowledge Management. This book looks at global examples of best practice in KM, and discusses how the Standard is helping embed these principles into successful organizations.
Publication date: Mar 2019
Length: 138 pages
AI and the Legal Profession, Second Edition
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Author(s): Uwais Iqbal, Colin Levy, Stephanie Goutos, Natalie Pierce, Joanne Brook, Justin Turman, Valerie Saintot, Mark Gediman, Itsiq Benizri, Harry Borovick, Erick Robinson, Eugenia Frenzel, Rasmus Kirkby Salling, Peter Kaas, Matthew Dunne, Dr Megan Ma, Nicola Shaver
Consulting editor(s): Francesca Ramadan
The capabilities and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are evolving at breakneck speed, and law firms and practitioners may be at a loss as to how to make the most of what these new technologies offer. The second edition of AI and the Legal Profession: Transforming the Future of Law acts as a guide, helping readers navigate this new frontier by delving into the impact of AI on the legal industry and the transformative possibilities it presents.
Written by leading experts, thought leaders, and professional and academic pioneers at the intersection of AI and law, AI and the Legal Profession: Transforming the Future of Law, second edition serves as a comprehensive guide for legal professionals, technologists, and policymakers, equipping readers with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate a rapidly evolving landscape, embrace AI's potential, and harness its power to shape the future of law.
Publication date: May 2025
Length: 200 pages
Business Development for a New Legal Ecosystem
Author(s): Michelle Murray, Sally Dyson, Debbie Epstein Henry, Pam Loch, Nika Kabiri, Merry Neitlich, Yolanda Cartusciello, Natasha Innocenti, Ian White, Rachel Khiara, Wayne Hassay, Catherine Alman MacDonagh, Julie Savarino, Mary Juetten, Nat Slavin, David Freeman, Bob Robertson, Lucy Bassli, Keri Norris
This book is split into two parts - the first deals with the immediate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the ways in which is immediately transformed - and is continuing to innovate - the delivery of legal services.
Publication date: Jul 2020
Length: 202 pages
Business Intelligence and Analytics for Law Firms
Author(s): Gill Eapen, Aileen Leventon, Jennifer Roberts, Ariela Tannenbaum, Melaina Fireman, Kesney Fontes, Paige Keith, Ronda Muir, Michelle Murray
What exactly is the "right" data in an information age?
Publication date: Aug 2018
Length: 86 pages
Emerging Approaches to Information Services
Author(s): Lance Sapsford, Oz Benamram, Marcia Burris, Steve Lastres, Mark Gediman, Marlene Gebauer, Jennifer Mendez, Annie Youngblood, Constance Ard
As law firms continually push to stay relevant in the information age, certain functions and roles will change drastically - possibly none more so than a firm’s information functions and librarians.
Publication date: Aug 2017
Length: 82 pages
Future Law Firm Business Models
Author(s): Michael Roster, Patrick J Lamb, Matthew Kellett, Scott Mozarsky, Chris Howe, Robert Millard, Jason Moyse, Rachel Khiara, Rachel Brushfield, Jae Um, Tony Young
An in-depth look at the trends and future developments that will fundamentally change the legal market.
Publication date: Dec 2018
Length: 126 pages
How to Buy Legal Tech That Works
Author(s): Nathan Cemenska
Legal technology, a once-obscure niche that few knew about and even fewer invested in, has come into its own. With the advent of generative AI, funding is about to flow into the space and birth a raft of new legal tech products, as well as improved versions of old ones.
Industry veterans know full well that the legal tech market is already flooded with bad tech, particularly considering all the hype around contract lifecycle management, which has proven to be a much tougher nut to crack than anyone imagined. Over the next few years we will see the most thoughtful, innovative legal tech solutions the world has ever seen. We will also see a ton of rubbish.
How to Buy Legal Tech That Works is about how to cut through the grist and find practical solutions that work for you, regardless of marketing and sales hype. Written by Nathan Cemenska, an industry veteran who has represented both buyers of legal tech and a very prominent seller, it lays out a soup-to-nuts legal tech procurement approach that takes you through the entire process, from defining your needs, identifying relevant solutions, decoding marketing and sales narratives, performing full due diligence on vendors to figure out what they are really selling, all the way down to negotiating the final contract to obtain favorable pricing and assurances in case implementation goes less well than envisioned. While nothing is guaranteed, this book will lay out the building blocks to arm you with all the information you need to protect yourself from legal tech companies that, in their desperation to make a sale, have lost sight of what should be their goal – to provide practical, common-sense products that help move the legal industry forward.
Publication date: Aug 2024
Length: 154 pages
Innovations in Legal KM
Author(s): Oz Benamram, Hélène Russell, Jack Bostelman, Chris Boyd, Mark Gediman, Harriet Creamer, Andrea Miskolczi, Cyndi Murphy, Cynthia Brown, James Loft, Kathy Skinner
An exploration of the endeavors of various law firms - the problems they have faced, and the solutions they have developed - to improve their KM processes, and, ultimately, their bottom line
Publication date: Dec 2017
Length: 116 pages
Innovations in Legal Project Management
Author(s): Aileen Leventon, Meredith Wise Mendes, Randall Brater, Katie Heilman, Byron S Kalogerou, Dennis J White, Todd Hutchison, Thomas Agostinelli, Kathleen Thompson, Kevin Bielawski, Lann Wasson, Sam Davenport, Brian Fanning
Harnessing legal project management as a strategy that is explicitly aligned to a law firm’s or legal department’s business objectives and culture.
Publication date: Oct 2018
Length: 102 pages
Knowledge Management in Law Firms:
Author(s): Nick Milton, Chris Boyd, Amy Halverson, Ian Rodwell, Joe Cohen, Andrea Miskolczi, Jonna Vainikainen, Elisabeth Cappuyns, James Loft, Jon Beaumont, James G. Perkins, Gordon Vala-Webb, Mark Gediman, Kevin Miles, Tara Pichardo-Angadi, Orla Bingham, Katherine Lang, Kathy Skinner, Anthony J Rhem, Tiffany M. O’Neil
This book is the essential guide to the evolution of law firm knowledge management. It covers how to revisit your strategy in light of recent and future changes, the expansion of knowledge management to encompass legal tech and innovation, the rise of the importance of data, strategies for overcoming the challenges hybrid and virtual working pose to knowledge management, managing knowledge teams, and much more.
Publication date: Jan 2023
Length: 139 pages
Law Firm KM: Driving Practice Innovation and Redefining Service Delivery
Author(s): Keith Lipman, Toby Brown, Matt Laws, Harriet Creamer, Patrick Dundas, Chad Ergun, Michael Dov Nogroski, Scott Rechtschaffen, Fiona Parkinson, Jennifer P.Keller, David Laud
Understand how legal knowledge management (KM) can help differentiate your firm from its competitors and exceed your clients' expectations from some of the best legal KM minds in the UK and US.
Publication date: Mar 2016
Length: 126 pages
Lean Six Sigma for Law, Second Edition
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Author(s): Catherine Alman MacDonagh
Now in a completely revised second edition, Lean Six Sigma for Law offers in-depth strategic and tactical guidance on the application of Lean and Six Sigma in law firms, the different approaches firms are taking, where to get started, and case studies highlighting the success stories of those who have already implemented it.
The book defines Lean and Six Sigma as they relate to the legal profession, highlights the interdependent relationships between Lean, Six Sigma and Project Management, and demonstrates the different ways in which Lean and Six Sigma may be employed in law firms.
The title features contributions, case studies, and insight from leading law firms, corporate counsel, and a wide range of internationally renowned experts on legal process improvement and project management.
Publication date: Mar 2025
Length: 307 pages
Measuring the ROI of Knowledge Management
Author(s): Dave Snowden, Stan Garfield, James Gunn, Tim Hawley, Hélène Russell
For organisations looking at Knowledge Management, it is no longer a question of ‘should we?’ It is now, a question of ‘how should we?’ As the global market becomes increasingly more competitive, and budgets get tighter, many organisations are treading very carefully with their investments. With knowledge resources being intangible at best, it is increasingly difficult to justify any investment in KM.
Publication date: Dec 2016
Length: 108 pages
Next-Generation Corporate Libraries and Information Services
Author(s): Constance Ard
Next-Generation Corporate Libraries and Information Services will provide you with the information you require to benchmark your strategies, ensure you continue to deliver the services that are required, and demonstrate your vital and integral role in how your organisation operates.
Publication date: Sep 2009
Length: 98 pages
Redefining Matter Management
Author(s): Peter Bennett, Barbara J Boake, Toby Brown, Wendy Chang, Anthony Davis, Sally Dyson, Chad Ergun, Rick A Kathuria, Aileen Leventon, Catherine Alman MacDonagh, JD, Scott Rechtschaffen, Peter Lane Secor
A collection of real world case studies highlighting some of the most important achievements and ideas in matter management today.
Publication date: Dec 2017
Length: 134 pages
Show Me The Math:
Author(s): Richard Brzakala
A one-of-a-kind prescriptive look at the benefits, importance, and the value that cost estimate strategies bring to individual matters, the overall client law firm relationship, and the legal service delivery model.
Publication date: Jun 2020
Length: 152 pages
Strategic Intelligence for Law Firms
Author(s): Zena Applebaum, John Alber, Peter Lane Secor, Jeffrey Asjes, Patrick Fuller, Mark Gediman, Annie Johnson, Mark Medice, Ed Walters, Jennifer Roberts
In today’s modern, techno-centric world with its endless supply of data, and the multitude of ways to collect and utilise it, intelligence has become the best tool for law firms when it comes to understanding client needs, offering quality value-oriented services, and garnering and retaining business.
Publication date: Aug 2016
Length: 102 pages
The Evolution of the Law Firm Library Function
Author(s): CJ Anderson, Scott D Bailey, Cynthia Brown, Kara Buzga, Patrick DiDomenico, Jim Haggerty, Tunisia Johnson, Monice Kaczorowski, Jill L Kilgore, Jocelyn K Sagherian, Sean Tate, Ed Walters
Often seen by firm management as unnecessary and outdated, legal libraries are facing a double-pronged challenge: it is now essential for librarians to demonstrate the continuing value of their profession whilst battling with shrinking budgets and the development of new, disruptive technologies that are transforming working practices and processes at a rapid rate.
Publication date: Jun 2018
Length: 92 pages
The Evolving Role of the Professional Support Lawyer
Author(s): Julia Bateman, Karen Battersby, Lucy Hall, Amanda Hamilton, Clare Harman Clark, Catherine Hart, Ailish Hogan, Katherine Lang, Charles Pigott, Hélène Russell, Evan J Shenkman, Lucinda Troostwyk
A deep dive into the Evolving Role of the PSL: featuring contributions from current PSLs, it provides up-to-the-minute intelligence from an insider’s perspective on common issues and the solutions to tackle them. Advice from experts, ranging from knowledge management specialists to PSL recruiters, and compelling case studies that provide a crucial insight into real-world industry and career experience.
Publication date: Sep 2018
Length: 200 pages
The Lawyer’s Guide to Legal Project Management
Author(s): Jim Hassett, Karen Dalton, John Duggan, Helen Bunker, Barbara J Boake, Rick A Kathuria, Antony Smith, Zena Applebaum, Lann Wasson, Catherine Alman MacDonagh, JD
The Lawyer’s Guide to Legal Project Management is an invaluable asset for any firm looking to capitalise on the strategic gap in the market; whether it be through introducing the fundamentals of LPM, or by bolstering existing functions to incorporate process improvements and to support Knowledge Management initiatives.
Publication date: Feb 2017
Length: 110 pages
The Lawyer’s Guide to the Future of Practice Management
Author(s): Simon Drane, Jennifer Roberts, Robert Millard, Katherine Thomas, Clare Harman Clark, Janvi Patel, Arthur G Greene, Zev J. Eigen, Christie Guimond, Langdon Morris, Patrick J McKenna, Michael Roster, Ailish Hogan, Patrick J Lamb, Phyllis Weiss Haserot, Lucinda Troostwyk, Bailey Bosch
Expert opinion, guidance, and market knowledge on what today’s legal marketplace might look like tomorrow.
Publication date: Sep 2019
Length: 174 pages
Tomorrow's KM
Author(s): Hélène Russell, Cyndi Murphy, Dr Mona Alhefdhi, Raymond Olayinka, Sara Traynor, Dr Randhir Reghunath Pushpa, Clare Harman Clark, Caroline White-Robinson, Dr Vincent Ribiere
This book focuses on the relationship between innovation and KM, elaborating on the role of KM as the facilitator and enabler of change.
Publication date: Jun 2019
Length: 96 pages