Buy-outs and Buy-ins:
Consulting editor(s): Steven Hull, Ashurst LLP
This book is aimed at a broad cross-section of the pension market and is intended to be of practical use to trustees, employers, advisers, administrators and other pension stakeholders in providing a comprehensive guide to how best to tackle the thorny issue of eliminating defined benefit scheme liabilities.
Publication date: Oct 2009
Length: 205 pages
Pension Scheme Deficits:
Consulting editor(s): Steven Hull – Ashurst LLP
Aimed at a broad cross-section of the pensions market, this book will be of great practical use to all who have to deal with a pension fund deficit. Trustees, corporate officers and stakeholders, from chief financial officers and finance directors to pension managers, and the entire range of advisers – accounting, actuarial and legal – will find the book of interest and practical use.
Publication date: Sep 2007
Length: 273 pages